I always say, “I’m an expert in everything for ten minutes.” That little humor is the result of 35 years of interviewing many experts, both famous and not-so-famous.
My journalism began in 1979, when wrenched from my sheltered suburban life in New York, I landed in Southern California, with three kids to support, very little income, and a huge desire not to abandon my children for even eight hours a day. There had been enough trauma.
So I secured a job as a resume writer. I added three more jobs: regional administrator for a computer company, Amway distributor, and journalist. Somehow the combination of these four enterprises ended up focusing on the resumes and the journalism.
My newspaper ventures began with The Orange County Business Journal, as an eclectic business, finance, health and general features writer. I added freelance drama critic at The Orange County Register, The Los Angeles Times, and then settled down at Irvine World News. Later I also added Food Critic at The Orange County Register’s little city papers–where my column ran in about 13 papers weekly.
I left all of that when my husband’s job took us to Rockford, Illinois, where after a few years, I convinced a publisher to let me do Lunch with Marjorie, a column inspired by a radio show, Lunch at the Music Center, I had listened to in California, and my own radio show in Irvine, where I interviewed entertainment personalities. I wanted Lunch with Marjorie to be a column, with the theme: everybody has a story…everybody can inspire. It was very successful, and ran in The Rock River Times for more than fifteen years. My other entertainment writing continued with the move to Illinois at Stateline Business, where I wrote about food, travel, entrainment in Here & Elsewhere, and also interviewed business and professional people for feature articles.
With our move to Connecticut, I had to begin again. But, this time, I decided not to canvass all of the little city papers to make the transfer. I realized that in the age of global Internet, my dream of syndicating had to shift from starting with a local paper and then getting my columns into many papers around the country, to syndicating them myself on the worldwide web.
So here we are. I finally discovered I needed a hub! Readmstradinger is that hub–the central location for my readers to find me and my writing at will. No newspaper to buy, no multiple websites to remember. It’s all here. Just click on MENU to see links. I hope the have the pictures clickable soon. And, pleeeeeze leave me comments!